





Action|Spreading and enriching handicrafts in developing countries

 In a corner of a certain town in Nara, there is a store that sells clothes hand-embroidered with intricate patterns and colorful, somehow warm sundries. In contrast to the traditional appearance of Japanese houses, the products here are handmade by craftsmen from India and other developing countries. Clothing that combines regional Indian embroidery with designs that suit Japanese tastes is particularly popular. This store is "Embroidery and Lifestyle Shop" operated by Itobanashi Co. The store has two locations, one in Nara Prefecture and the other in Hiroshima Prefecture, and is open for only three days each month, a very unique sales format. The store's designer and owner is Fumika Date, who was born in Nara and was fascinated by Indian embroidery. Through handiworks, she hopes to enrich the lives of both makers and buyers. How did Ms. Date's activities begin and spread?



FIELD|Shiwa Town, Hiroshima Prefecture; Gojo City, Nara Prefecture

Itobanashi operates two stores in Gojo City, Nara Prefecture, and one in Shiwa Town, Hiroshima Prefecture. Both of these areas have a deep connection for Ms. Date, who was born in Gojo City, Nara Prefecture, and spent time in Hiroshima after entering university. Nara and India were once connected by the Silk Road, and the relationship is deep historically and culturally, she says. I enjoy searching for embroidery materials and design ideas with this connection in mind," Date said. Meanwhile, in the town of Shiwa, Hiroshima, there are many old houses with thatched roofs that could only be found in a World Heritage site. Mr. Sugikawa, Ms. Date's partner and vice president of Itobanashi, has been involved in the preservation of thatch-roofed houses for a long time and decided to open a store in this town as well. Both are places where old houses and landscapes have been carefully preserved, evoking a sense of traditional life and long history.

奈良県 刺繍と暮らしの研究所

Fumika Date

広島大学へ進学後、「アジア もう一度行きたい国」で検索するとインドが出てきたことをきっかけに、たびたびインドへ渡り、現地のNGO団体を見学するスタディーツアーにでかける。その後インドへ留学し、ファッションショーを開催。その活動の中でインド刺繍と出会い、日本へ帰国後、起業するに至る。

Born in 1991 in Gojo City, Nara Prefecture. CEO and designer of Itbanashi Inc.
After entering Hiroshima University, When she searched for "Asia countries I want to visit again," India came up, she often traveled to India for study tours to visit local NGO organizations. Later, she studied abroad in India and held fashion shows there. During this activity, she encountered Indian embroidery, and after returning to Japan, she started her own business.



MOTIVATION|Meeting Women Who Speak of Their Hometowns Through Embroidery Leads to a Career in Social Business

 After entering university, Ms. Date was fascinated by India and began to visit local NGO organizations frequently. They were protecting Indian women who had been trafficked to work as prostitutes or were victims of domestic violence, and providing them with vocational training in handicrafts. Ms. Date, who had always loved fashion and once organized a show at a school festival with her friends, thought that by holding a fashion show and having Indian women showcase the clothes they made themselves, she could raise their self-esteem and motivation. After entering graduate school, she took the opportunity to study abroad in India for six months and actually collaborated with a local NGO to hold the show. It was during these activities that she came across Indian embroidery. She was deeply moved by the way women who had experienced hardships said that embroidery reminded them of their hometowns and made them nostalgic for their homelands. Indian embroidery has different colors and patterns depending on the region, showing the individuality of the region. I became interested in such embroidery. After returning from her study abroad, she won a student business contest. With the prize money and Indian embroidery fabrics she collected during her study abroad, she began making clothes and taking orders, and upon completion of graduate school, she launched Itobanashi Co.



IMPACT|Building a store that started from scratch in the community

 After establishing Itobanashi, Ms. Date held pop-up stores in department stores in Tokyo without a store. However, she lost her sales space in department stores due to the Corona disaster. She decided to try selling her products not in the city center but in the countryside as a three-day event. More people than expected showed up, and many asked, "When do you want to do it again? " "When will you hold the next one? " This led to many people asking, "No matter how hard it is to get to a place, there are people who will come. It might be interesting to open a store in a rural area. " And that was the beginning of the idea. More than anything, she fell in love with the old private house she used for the event and felt that she wanted to open a store here.
 From 2022, Itobanashi is also opening "chocobanashi," a store specializing in fair trade chocolates, in addition to the "embroidery and lifestyle store. Embroidery and chocolate seem to have absolutely nothing to do with each other, but why did they start? "I was disappointed when a bun shop I had loved since I was a little girl closed its doors, and they were looking for someone to use the vacant storefront. I definitely wanted to open a store there. I thought about going into apparel, but I wanted to carry on the snack culture, so I started a store selling fair trade chocolates."
 Itobanashi's store now attracts many people from the city and beyond, making the community more lively. Ms. Date said, "I used to think there was nothing in this town, but now many people walk around with bags from my store. I realized that it is possible to create a movement of people." She says she strives to create a store that values old things and makes the locals proud.

ANATOMY |Ms. Date and "Itobanashi"

Hanasaka's feature

Hanasaka's feature

Loves fashion
I want to make my own decisions about what I do, not be influenced by others.
Instantaneous ability to respond to changing circumstances



ECOSYSTEM|Build a relationship of trust by staying close to the creator.

 Itobanasi Co., Ltd. currently sources embroidery fabrics from three regions in India: Kashmir, Kolkata, and Lucknow. They asked local people they met when they held a fashion show to be their guide, and spent many days in the areas famous for embroidery until they made connections with artisans and organizations that they could trust. At first, there were some contractual failures, such as not being able to produce what they were told they could, or not being able to meet deadlines, but they took their time to find reliable people. itobanashi's purchase price is 1.5 to 2 times higher than that of local buyers, and they use a delivery method that suits the living environment of the artisans. The company also has a delivery time method that is tailored to the living conditions of the craftspeople. For this reason, they order embroidery patterns with a high degree of difficulty, and the Indian craftsmen are highly motivated by the fact that they are making items to be sent overseas. Ms. Date and his staff send photos of their Japanese customers to the Indian craftsmen to build a relationship of trust with them.



STEP|Value your interests and expand your activities.

After entering higher education, she visited India many times on study tours and witnessed the social problems of local women while visiting local NGO organizations. ▷Received a scholarship to study in India. Organized a fashion show in cooperation with a local NGO. ▷After returning to Japan, she won a student business contest and began selling clothing made to order from embroidered fabrics she collected in India. ▷Founded Itobanashi Co., Ltd. upon completion of graduate school. Ltd. She buys hand-embroidered items made by women in India, transforms them into clothing, and sells them at pop-ups in department stores and other locations. ▷In part due to the influence of Corona, she opened the "Embroidery and Lifestyle Shop" in an old private house in Hiroshima, where she had a connection, and in her hometown of Nara. ▷Opened "chocobanashi," a store specializing in fair trade chocolates, in her hometown of Nara, using the store of a former long-established confectionary shop. Her activities are still developing.



TIPS|Start with what you can do and work your way

"I'm really thinking about how to accomplish that goal." says Date. Whether it was starting a business or finding a craftsman in India, she did not have the skills or experience to do it herself, but she used every means and network she could find to accomplish what she set out to do. Even if it doesn't work out, it is definitely better to do something on your own initiative than to have someone else make the decision for you. And, you have to do what you can do. " I'm not very good at planning or strategizing. But I think my strength lies in my ability to solve problems when I run into them. Perhaps my many trips to India have given me the ability to respond immediately in a pinch." Ms. Date said with a smile. The secret of Ms. Date's activities is to act on what he decides to do and keep moving forward.



FOR THE FUTURE|Enriching the maker, the user, and the community

 The slogan of Itbanashi is "enriching the lives of those who make and use our products." They want to improve the status of Indian embroidery artisans and people involved in handicrafts in developing countries, including themselves, and to deliver products in a way that makes people think about their makers. And at the same time, to create jobs in the region anyway. Her immediate goal is to create jobs in areas such as Nara and Hiroshima, and to lower the hurdles for young people to get jobs and live in the region. Ultimately, she said happily, "I want to create a community that connects various regions."
A community where various communities are connected and where a person's life can expand through his or her involvement in that place. India and developing countries, Hiroshima and Nara in Japan. It may not be long before Itobanashi, who is expanding her activities beyond countries and regions to include food, clothing, and shelter, makes her dream come true.

This Hanasaka


Writer’s Voice


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